6 iconic Indian Ads of the 90s

It won’t be an overstatement to say that the 90s was the golden decade of advertising. It set the tone for the millennial to come, with truly captivating ad films. Let us look at some of our favorite commercials, which had a significant impact on the world of Indian Advertising. 1. Raymond – The Complete Man The Complete Man series […]

"They say I am quite photogenic and have a lovely smile!" – Niyati Joshi

IAD speaks to the beautiful and cheerful Niyati Joshi, a top model in the Silicon Valley of Glamour, Mumbai. May be you never observed keenly but not a day goes past without watching her on the television and newspaper ads of popular brands! Some snippets as Niyati shares about her life, journey to fame and her future plans in an exclusive interview, with a […]