“My father taught me to be strong and follow my dreams!” – Auritra Ghosh

She is multi-talented and every bit as experimental, tasteful and endearing. Auritra Ghosh who garnered praise for her role in the movie Dharam Sankat Mein talks to us about her growing up years, her road to success and her brand new getaway venture called ‘Pause and Effect’. M Cream is more of an independent film. What was your experience like working on […]

Bijuria girl – Ishita Arun

Did you know that throat hoarseness is caused because of a little khich khich bacterium who loves to hang in there? The animated monster from this nostalgic Cough Drops ad is the clingy USP of Vicks even today. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcF0h0ch_MU]   The cutie winking in the above ad is Ishita Arun, daughter of the popular folk songstress and actress Ila Arun. While Ila is renowned for her songs like Choli ke Piche, Ishita is famous for […]