Being Progressive

The magic you feel when you watch something absolutely stunning, ethereal, immersive, like losing yourself; a feeling that stays with you; stays inside you. It’s a seed sown for more in the same vein, something about to sweep you off your feet the same way. They are measured but strong and completely aligns with the progressive thinking that we are all […]

“One of my big plans is to go to London or New York and learn prosthetic make up” – Ayesha Wadiwala

Make-Up artist Ayesha Wadiwala chats with us about how a hobby turned profession took her to Shahrukh Khan’s house on her first assignment! Ayesha turned her hobby into her profession and laughs when you ask her what her inspiration was. It’s because the story is heartwarmingly sweet. “It was a hobby and after I got married, it became a profession. I […]