Cinemas inspire me a lot; the journey with the characters and their creators" – Devna Pani

Rajiv Menon Productions has given us many memorable ads and a reason to discuss relentlessly about them off TV. While the whole world is going gaga over finding who the new Telugu Rexona soap ad girl is, IAD gets to speak to Devna Pani herself! Here are excerpts from the exclusive chat with the 24-year-old pretty Mumbaikar, who has re-personified the […]

Amyra Dastur

I’ve been a huge fan of Amy Dastur (introduced as Amyra Dastur through Issaq – 2013) since I first saw her in the Clean & Clear Facewash campaign, some 2 years ago. She plays the role of a close buddy to Pooja Salvi in the advert. In another Airtel Friends ad, a simple glimpse of Amyra in the song (girl self-posing for her phone camera) elevates the mood of […]