In The Mood For Celebration: The Wish Chain

We often wish for a world without religions and a place without barriers. We wish for a world with no walls and no boundaries. We wish the world could harmoniously celebrate all the different cultures together as one. So when there are two festivals being celebrated simultaneously, like two sides of a coin, it gives us a sensation of oneness and […]

“From Start To Finish The Editorial Shoot With Jackky Bhagnani Was A Laugh Riot” – Nazneen Harianawala

Nazneen Harianawala brings into vogue the importance of education in any industry, understanding individual fashion identity and picks Vikram Bawa as the one photographer who captures her work brilliantly. How did fashion in your city influence you to pursue a career in it? The innovations I came up with, while doing a whole lot of street shopping, putting garments and […]