Fashion For A Cause
Why is it that when we hear stories of courage, beauty, grace, faith and strength, we feel stirred and motivated? There is something inherently warrior-like in the pure act of struggle. The goal-oriented overcoming of hurdles strikes a chord with every human being because each of them is going through a struggle and trying to overcome a hurdle of his or her own. So stories that echo this sentiment become deeply personal.
The story about autistic individuals modelling for a ramp walk was a great piece of news to read first thing this morning; a solid story that most of us can draw inspiration from.
This evening fourteen models will partake in an unusual fashion show. Supported by fashion guru Prasad Bidapa, this is the fourth edition of shows organised by ALFAA (Assisted Living for Autistic Adults), a Bangalore-based NGO whose idea it was to transform fashion shows to promote autistic children, teenagers and adults with autism spectrum disorder. It was started in 2009 by the mother of an autistic child who is now 21.