Happy Diwali!

Lights, diyas, firecrackers, sweets, family, friends, holiday, childhood memories these are all things we associate with Diwali. Among South Indians, the mother gives their kids a hot oil bath-drag them out of bed and give them a bath. It’s all par of the tradition. We picked a few videos to wish all our readers a very Happy Diwali!   [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8L5-EZFQXU]   […]

"I am just your regular girl next door, with a bit of a nutty personality thrown in." – Mariette Valsan

Mariette Valsan, the stylish fishlass in Bombay Times – Born Glamorous ad, is one of the most-beloved, most preferred faces for all shutter speeds. This aura of elegance and gentility was born in Kerala and mostly grew up in Delhi with a brilliant balance of North and South cultures. The camera kissed her and made her stand in the six […]

Umang Jain – the Cadbury girl!

The line, Kya main aapko jaanthi hoon? (Do I know you?), with a confused and irritated look of Umang Jain in a Cadbury advert has fluttered a million hearts, adding up to this peary-eyed model-plus-actor’s fanbase. Everything about the Cadbury Shubh Aarambh’s commercial was adorable – the mood of the picture, the simplicity of the dialogues, and the subtle background […]