
"Gymming is my only bad addiction!" – Elinor Chhris

Just three years in the fashion and advertising industry, Elinor Chhris has become a sort-after model, endorsing a ton of brands – from watches and jewellery to real estate and luxury cars! Elinor has adorned several magazine covers; played lead in Marathi movies – MungalaJarab and some groovy music albums. IAD got a chance to talk with the Pune model; read her success story in her words!
IAD: Elinor, how did you develop your confidence to get into the entertainment industry? When did your model life begin? Why modelling over any other career?
Elinor Chhris: Since my college days I was very passionate about the fashion industry. I was actively looking for opportunities and I got my first break with the HP assignment in 2013. That’s when my journey began. Later I was getting many offers, including roles in the Marathi movies. Soon I realized I was meant to be part of the entertainment… particularly the fashion business.

elinor chhris model pune
Elinor Chhris has modelled for over 250 national and regional brands!

You have endorsed 250 plus big brands, which one do you think your personality suited the most? What do you look for in a product or service or brand you associate with?
I enjoy working with every assignment as each project is different. Every brand is unique, and so is every learning experience. Personally, I feel Vogue Italia suited me the most.
Do models have a high-end fashionable life that girls outside the industry envy and aspire?
Yes, we do! Every girl has a desire inside to look like a heroine/ model/ supermodel, or be one. Most of us girls like it the most if we are being praised for our beauty.  (laughs)
What according to you are the five essential qualities and traits that one should possess to make modelling a career?
Confidence, beauty, passion, dressing sense (fashion knowledge), and attitude.
Lost-Elinor Chhris
Elinor Chhris for a shoot themed “Lost”

Can you please throw some light on your childhood?
I was a very disciplined and sincere child. I was very versatile and most of my time was spent doing creative activities or learning arts – such as dancing or listening to music.
What are your fitness and energy secrets? What kind of snacks do you carry to kill hunger yet stay healthy during long shoots?
I am a fitness freak. Apart from everyday exercise, I meditate and do yoga. You can always find fruits, dry fruits and Khakra (a crispy, crunchy flatbread) with me.
elinor chhris bonton
“I am easy to work with” – Elinor Chhris to IAD

Which has been the most difficult moment for you in your career-life?
Huff! Travelling. Running all across Mumbai for work… commuting to and fro Pune was very tedious and hectic.
You have been part of several experimental and outlandish shoots. Why do you think creative people approach you with their conceptual ideas?
I guess it is because of my versatile personality. I also easily gel with people. Many people after the shoots have told me that I always reach their expectations.
elinor chhris - an outlandish short story
Conceptual of Elinor Chhris – An Outlandish short story

Do you have a dream-come-true moment?
I always had the dream of going to Paris. As early in my childhood as I can remember this was my biggest dream! I finally got to visit Paris this April on my birthday! 🙂
How do you stay positive with all the negativity surrounding modelling? Who do you look up to when you are low, your role models or mentors, in and outside the professional life?
One of the ways I stay positive is through meditation. I share everything with my mom and dad and they are my biggest motivation. They are the ones whom I talk to when I feel low. They are wonderful listeners and support me a lot. From the industry, there are many seniors I talk to and take advice from.
Elinor for "Soul Search" - a theme shoot for agency - L'Affaire India
Elinor for “Soul Search” – a theme shoot for agency – L’Affaire India

How do you take care of your skin? Can you please share five every-day beauty tips that you rigorously follow?
In bullets: 1. Loads of water; 2. salads; 3. Fruits; 4. sound sleep; and 5. every day exercise.
How do you think people in the glam business can make a difference to the society – we’re citing your #wastemanagement shoot – models can sell; can they bring a change in the society?
I cannot comment on this. Personally, I give my 100% for every shoot and campaign that I am part of. We, as responsible individuals, give many messages for the betterment of society. It is however up to the people what they want to choose. I can’t change people. With that said, I will never miss any opportunity that can bring a positive change in society.
Elinor Chhris - Shashank Bhalerao Photography
Elinor Chhris posing for Shashank Bhalerao Photography

What are your hobbies (and addictions)?
I love writing and belly dancing. Gymming is my only bad addiction!
Your website says you have been part of a French film. Tell us about the movie and your role? What are your forthcoming projects?
Yes! I played the female lead in a movie called “Honeymoon with Werewolf” by Nima Nina. As the title says, it is the movie of a couple who go on a honeymoon, where the husband turns into a werewolf. My role (the wife character) in the movie was very dramatic and I played a woman in the ages of 18 to 60 years. Currently, I am shooting for a Marathi film with Sai Tamhankar. (Signs off)
You can follow Elinor Chhris on Instagram!

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